(To be translated)

All people resonate Serial 2: by Sheng Xue, Li Yiping, Zhang Lin and Zheng Yun


The platform of All People Resonance:

Sheng Xue: 破除三個迷思,打破三條界限,實現全民共振,五一全民上街

  資深民運人士盛雪分析當前中國社會流行的三個迷思,闡述打破三條界限,共同推動全民共振,今年五一全民上街。 https://youtu.be/Pm41az57U7s

Email address of the Platform: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Twitter: @qmgz0501


Li Yiping: 全民平台的三個戰略目標



  全民共振平台的88名發起人為我們設定了三個戰略目標:最高目標是實現全民上街,徹底沖垮中共專制秩序,開啟民主革命;如果這個目標在2018年5.1不能實現,則努力實現次級戰略目標,是做大宣傳攻勢,大量消耗維穩資源; 同時保證實現基礎戰略目標,就是推動民間民主團隊自我培訓,提升政治操作意識和能力,為下一次全民共振積累實力。 期待大家一起努力,2018,全民共振,推翻專制!https://youtu.be/0VV_IQGQegw

Email address of the Platform: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Twitter: @qmgz0501


Zhang Lin: 2018年全民共振,阻止文革災難重演

  資深民運人士張林比較分析習近平與毛澤東和斯大林獨裁的相似性,指出習獨裁會給中國民眾和官員帶來巨大的危險,並對官員提出忠告和警戒。 https://youtu.be/Uv_Ua2SjQVA

Email address of the Platform: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Twitter: @qmgz0501


Zheng Yun: 民運女杰鄭雲對軍警喊話:良知可使你們區別於畜生!

  民運女杰鄭雲對軍警和其他各地各階層抗爭群體的講話。 https://youtu.be/uEg5Ku4fHmU

Email address of the Platform: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Twitter: @qmgz0501