(To be translated)











Face to face with the Australian Chinese organisations controlled by the Chinese consulate in in the Blue Mountain









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Dear Chinese compatriots who feel the need to participate against His Holiness the Dalai Lama's visit to Australia,


Congratulations! You are now enjoying the freedom of speech and freedom to protest which is the right of all Australians. This includes the Chinese people who live in Australia, who are fortunate to live in a country which cherishes democracy, liberty and the values of human rights for all. If you love living in Australia, it means you must be proud of her values. If you are loyal to Australia, you must promote and spread her values.

Regretfully, our fellow Chinese who still live inside China are still unable to enjoy this freedom of speech and the right to protest, as we do in free and developed countries.

The victims of the poisonous milk powder tragedy, and the parents of the infants who suffered from the resulting calculus were beaten, kidnapped or even jailed when pursuing accountability and legal indemnification against this negligence of care by the supervising authorities.

The parents of the pupils who were killed in the Sichuan earthquake were detained or imprisoned when investigating the truth, and trying to hunt down the corrupt officials who were responsible.

Countless house owners were forcefully evicted from their home, among them Ms. Tang Fuzhen was forced to set herself on fire to protect the forced demolition of her property.

Countless pariahs were battered by heartless "cheng guan" and police officers, among them Mr. Xu Chunhe was shot dead brutally in front of his elderly mother and young children.

Then there are those petitioners who lost their lands, the retired soldiers who lost their rights, the illegitimate brick kiln workers who lost their personal freedom, etc. Even families of the victims of "Eastern Star" capsize incident have been under police surveillance and control, not allowed to speak out. No one has the right to protest or express their point of view freely in mainland China. Everyone is muted by a fear of speaking the truth.

Dear fellow Chinese – Today you protest and demonstrate your freedom of the expression in public, to say what you like, or what you feel you should, for whatever reason. This indicates that the Chinese people have enough capability, wisdom and integrity to enjoy the same freedoms of speech and the right to protest as Australians do.

Chinese people can be diligent and wise and not at all inferior to Australians! They should have these same rights within China.

Dear fellow Chinese, if you really love China, you should love its people in the first place, and you should strive for the rights of liberty and democracy of the Chinese people. Please apply pressure in China to obtain the same freedom of speech and protest that you have learned and practiced in Australia today, and repeat your act of courage to protest and express your will, in the Tiananmen Square,

Dear fellow Chinese: Australia is a multi-cultural nation. Each of its states is highly autonomous, and the state premiers control the same level of political powers as that of the Prime Minister. All nations are equal, and tolerance and reconciliation are encouraged.

As a Chinese living in Australia, you are able to protest peacefully, to write and shout slogans in Chinese, and be protected by the Australian police. This is clear evidence of your Australian right to express yourself publicly. If you are genuinely wishing to maintain the unification of China, please learn from your Australian experience and bring it back to China. Encourage regional autonomy, multiculturalism, dialogue and reconciliation, tolerance and equality.

Please fight for the freedom to protest, the freedom of speech and the freedom of ethnic diversity and preservation of the ethnic minorities in mainland China as part of the unification.

Finally, congratulations to all of you who have exercised your freedom of speech and protest in Australia today. I hope the freedom of expression, and the respect you obtain from Australia is something you appreciate enough to take back to China with you.

June 8, 2015