(To be translated)



盛雪在介绍王天安的“Nine Days”

盛雪在介绍王天安的“Nine Days”


独立中文笔会会长贝岭和雪迪、孟浪在经过加拿大蒙特利尔时,王炳章家人提供了住宿等协助,贝岭表示将在魁北克市国际笔会年会安排的“10月14日中国文学节”上展示由《华盛顿邮报》记者撰写、以王炳章博士女儿王天安为主人公的《九天》(NINE DAYS),以便介绍王炳章博士。但是,当贝岭和文学节主办者商议时,却被要求必须严格按照规定的朗读程序和内容。贝岭希望盛雪在15日晚的朗读中争取完成这一承诺。



当天晚上,盛雪被安排在MORRIN CLUB朗诵,朗读时间只有四分钟,盛雪便决定先介绍王炳章和王天安的书。盛雪走上台说:“我朗诵的诗歌叫《记忆与背叛》,这首诗是为了纪念天安门屠杀,今天我把这首诗献给王炳章博士。王炳章博士于1979年从中国到加拿大留学,在两年内取得医学博士学位,随即他发起了中国海外民主运动。但是,他却在2002年,也就是13年前被中共从越南绑架回中国,目前在中国服无期徒刑。” 说到这里,盛雪举起《九天》说:王炳章博士的女儿就在加拿大,以她为主人公写作的书《NINE DAYS》讲述了她和王炳章博士的真实故事。







Memory and Betrayal

—17th Anniversary of Tiannamen Square Massacre, June 4th 1989


Translated by Wan Zhi and Brenda Vellino



We run run run and fled in all directions

Huge mourning like a curtain

Covering sky and earth

Broken by desperate footsteps

Torn to pieces and tatters

Following the fleeing shadows

Scattering all corners

Of the foreign world

No backward glance

No silent tribute

No kisses for each other’s tears

No hasty hugs

Must flee

Before we are swallowed up

By gray suffocating fog

Like endless bloody cobwebs

And turning back to cover escaping tracks

Use our hopeless tears and blood

Before we vanish over the horizon

Exile. . . like being ground down

In the village millstone

Cold and hard crushed to flour

Slowly and repeatedly

Mixing with exile’s sadness and stranger’s madness

Reborn as ordinary folks

Hiding a bitter face with laughter in the crowd

How many years of nightmare awakenings

How many years of fighting and struggling

How many years of surrendering and suffering

How many years with a solitary lamp enduring

Like a leaf in the river carried forward

Finally we decide to forget

With fully acceptance no arguing

How many people worried about gain and loss

How many people turned to the broad path

How many people embraced the oppressor

How many people celebrate each other’s success

Betraying memory

Wasn’t premditated

If one day we meet face to face

Just let the awkward moment


Don’t mention the past

Don’t feel embarrassed

Don’t turn away

Don’t cover your face

We are already someone else

No longer the-you-and-me of long ago.