Chinese virus originated in the US, more precisely from the White House!

Chin Jin


As we entered the 2020 Chinese Gengzi year, the whole world witnessed the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan China, causing a hard-to-substantiate high death toll. For the Xi Jinping regime in Beijing, it is not only "grey rhinos" but also "black swans".

The CCP reported that the source of the outbreak was the habit of eating bats sold at the Wuhan Seafood Market, which transmitted the virus to the human body, and then spread rampantly; therefore the people of Wuhan, Hubei, were the first to bear the brunt of the suffering caused by the virus. Xi Jinping deliberately covered up the controllable coronavirus, in order to present a whitewashed image of a China that has been leading the world's heyday of peace. Accordingly, he decided that the festive atmosphere of the Chinese Lunar New Year should not be disrupted, giving the green light for the epidemic situation to spread.

It was - and remains - a downright lie that the Wuhan epidemic originated from people eating bats. This news in China had no credibility - still has none - and was considered to be pure propaganda in line with Beijing’s goals. The fact is: there is no news in China, only propaganda. China has no real reporters, only CCP mouthpieces. Anyone who dares to function as a genuine reporter or journalist is silenced or threatened with immediate jail. This is the "information camouflage" at which the CCP excels.

In truth, the Western democracies have generally failed to understand the extent of these tricks. They have never really been able to peek at Beijing's playing-cards, nor comprehend its games. Therefore, when dealing with Beijing, the Western leaders usually fail to make a correct assessment and judgment on the essence of the Chinese Communist Party's motives and intentions.

The National Biosafety Laboratory, Wuhan, the coronavirus source, was only a stone's throw from the Seafood Market, and there are just two ways of coronavirus leakage: one is accidental leakage, and the other is intentional leakage by disgruntled laboratory staff as an act of retaliation on society. The latter situation is, sadly, consistent with massive moral decline in China.

The coronavirus from Wuhan, China, spread across national borders and quickly spread to most corners of the world. Iran, Italy, and even Europe have all fallen into dire situations of pandemic. The United States, Canada, and Australia have all been affected by it. As a result, world productivity has slowed or stopped, and economic activity has been slowly coming to a standstill in these affected countries and regions. Xi Jinping has jubilantly achieved his goal: to forge the concept of a "Community of a Shared Future for Mankind", ironically now a "Community of a Shared Coronavirus for Mankind".

Interestingly, the only ones ostensibly not affected are North Korea and Russia. This is because these two nations have the same politically repressive system. They have no delusions about how such regimes operate. Both Putin and Kim Jong-un were fully aware of the real situation behind the outbreak in China and took decisive measures to close the borders and cut off any possible spread of the Wuhan virus.

More than two months after the rampant pandemic of Wuhan coronavirus, the newly posted bellicose Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman made a shocking accusation in his twitter that “It might be the US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan, the US owes us an explanation”, following rhetoric such as, “The United States owes China an apology, and the world owes China gratitude.”  This rogue accusation (it takes a thief to catch a thief!) immediately prompted a war of words and led US President Trump to directly define the epidemic as a 'Chinese virus'. Beijing played a dual role, as both arsonist and fire-fighter. Xi Jinping has now successfully dragged the whole world into a new type of world war over 'the anti-Chinese virus with invisible fronts'. Now Xi Jinping and his Zhongnanhai clique are rather amused, enjoying seeing the world plunge into a recession and chaos, with China meanwhile getting to play out its faux “Hero” role constantly featuring in global media and widespread propaganda.

The said spokesman’s accusation that the source of this coronavirus originated in the US was a total fabrication. However, it is also ironically an intricate truth, insofar as Chinese virus "seeders" were to be found in the United States, and in the White House itself.

The origin of today's Wuhan epidemic or Chinese virus is indeed in Zhongnanhai and Xi Jinping's authoritarian CCP system, the home of the virus. This malevolent system constantly releases scourges, first to China - and then to the world. This pandemic of "Chinese virus" was also carried out through the roadmap, breaking out first in Wuhan and spread in China, and then involving the whole world. Unfortunately, the whole world was blind - complacent and indifferent - to the first warning signs.

The Pandora's Box of Chinese viruses was opened seven decades ago, by the then reckless Truman administration in 1946, and left in China. It was the United States who later rescued the CCP from the brink of annihilation during its fierce fighting against another demon, the Soviet Union, in the late 1960s. It was understandable that the US, like a hungry person who was not picky nor choosy, allied with the CCP in a temporary strategic partnership to curb the Soviets, by then the prime foe of the US into the early 1970s. That was the last resort and a fatal strategic miscalculation by the desperate Nixon Administration. Like Churchill, who allied poorly in order to defeat Hitler, Nixon did not hesitate to ally with the CCP "devil". Bush then later made another strategic blunder, choosing to appease the CCP, in the wake of the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, instead of supporting the youth. However, and even worse, after the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, Bush, Clinton, and Obama continued to support the CCP, which in return strengthened the viral toxicity and strength of the CCP.

For more than three decades now, with the support of the United States, the CCP has been strong enough to pose a serious threat to the world.

The wickedness of the CCP can be easily be recognized because of 'The Journey to the West', one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature, which teaches people how to use penetrating insight to distinguish transformation of demons and monsters at a glance.

Unfortunately, Western politicians, academic circles, and media, do not understand the ghostly tricks used by the CCP when they follow the path of this classical Chinese conspiracy. The pandemic of the Chinese virus worldwide has been fueled because of Tedros Adhanom, Director General of the WHO, who has very deliberately concealed wrongdoing, and thus misled the world. The WHO has played an ugly role in downplaying the pandemic, as it has become a tool for the CCP on the international stage, an indicator of their international expansion and expertise in manipulation.

The expansion and machinations of the CCP was caused by the retreat of the United States and the West due to their political short-sightedness and greed for the vast Chinese market, as well as (it can be candidly be said) by the stupidity of decision makers who provided the CCP (from their own initiative, no less) with large amounts of funds for the CCP to do whatever it likes on the international stage. The release of the Chinese virus into the world, creating this pandemic, was accomplished with the help of the WHO, and exacerbated by the long time negligence and indulgence of the West. When the United States and the West come to their senses, it will be too late: the damage to the world has been done and seems irreparable.

It was noticeable that Dr. Gordon Chang, an American columnist and television pundit, has always been sober in understanding about the real nature of the CCP, probably because of his half-Chinese descent. Dr. Michael Pillsbury, who used to be a panda-hugger, sounded the alarm and woke up after decades of in-depth exchanges with the CCP, and after ascertaining the Thirty-Six Stratagems of Ancient China that the CCP is covertly adopting (by feigning weakness, with the ultimate goal of replacing America as the global superpower). He sounded a wake-up call by publishing his book 'The Hundred Year Marathon'. Also, Peter Navarro's sober understanding of the CCP from within the Trump team has weighed in significantly and steered a new China policy adopting containment, that is markedly different from the appeasement policy of the past 40 years. In US political circles, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senator Marco Rubio, Congressman Chris Smith and former Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, being clear-minded enough to know the CCP, have played an indelible role in the political awakening of the United States.

Donald Trump is the first US president to have struck the CCP fiercely and effectively, since 1946. Trump is savvy with his shrewdness, but lacks sound moral principles. Economic profits and gaining an edge are his priorities in coping with the CCP, and he has shown hesitation when expected to display moral principles as a world leader.

The Chinese virus has blatantly harmed the world. Trump has shown his reluctance to confront the evil of Xi Jinping for his own private ends, and instead he downplayed the cause of the epidemic. To make things worse, the world and the United States are now severely harmed by the damage done by the CCP virus of Xi Jinping. World production has in effect been halted and the global economy has also come to a standstill. Who should primarily be blamed for this catastrophe?

A serious issue facing us now is how the world, after surviving this calamity, should call to account the perpetrator, Xi Jinping.  The G7 world leaders need to come together and discuss this important issue in detail. The world leaders should collectively admit that the CCP's arrogance and contempt towards the whole world is the result of Western pampering, and that the West actually suffers greatly, before gaining any real benefit, from dealings with the CCP. The Western world has two options left now: either acting in unison to fight against this new type of world war being initiated by the CCP, therefore saving the world from a new dark age, or letting the CCP go ahead to win this war - and destroy the world.

Trump may have been awakened to the CCP's damage to him, in its exposure of his dithering randomness. In retaliation, he has now decisively defined the Wuhan epidemic as a 'Chinese virus', which is a timely attempt to gain the upper hand. Trump claimed that he was sent by "someone up there”. Well, if that is the case, Mr President - please fulfil God's mission by destroying the greatest evil on earth. Deliver the world from the dangers of the CCP virus! The CCP is quite different from Saddam and Gaddafi. Knowing how to deal with Xi Jinping's CCP clique and their acts of desperation when they are cornered will sorely test the wisdom and courage of Western leaders. Whilst the drivers are classically ideologically Communist, the makeup, motivations and modus operandi of the CCP clique are unique, mysterious and unprecedented.

Thus starting from the Truman presidency, and after decades of support and appeasement from the White House residents (Carter, Bush snr, Clinton, and Obama) towards the CCP, the CCP has been empowered to endanger the world. It was the US, and the White House, that should be mostly blamed for opening the Pandora’s Box, and cultivated the wicked CCP virus which has been harming the Chinese people, and the whole world, for more than seven decades.  In this sense, the United States condoned and supported the CCP virus, which malevolently acted against the Chinese people - and now the entire world. The White House was, more so than the Soviet Union, in effect cradling the fledgling CCP to powerful commercial and military adulthood. Therefore, given its global leadership status, ironically it is the US who owes the Chinese people (and also the whole world) a deep apology. America's redemption will only be yielded by how honestly and resolutely they lead the world from here.


Chin Jin

President of the Federation for a Democratic China

Candidate for Doctor of Social Sciences at the University of Sydney

+ 61 413 819 859