How the world falls into COVID-19? The CCP-influenced WHO is to blame!

WHO DG Tedros, bought by CCP, is directly responsible for the global pandemic

By Xiaogang Zhang
18 March 2020


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When the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared on 11th March 2020 that the Whhan novel coronavirus pneumonia (VOVID-19) has become a global pandemic, its Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, proclaimed in accusing fashion thus: "Some countries are struggling with a lack of resolve", and he said "We're deeply concerned …… by the alarming levels of inaction" and "we are deeply concerned that some countries are not approaching this threat with the level of political commitment needed to control it." These comments were absurd moves to deflect attention from his own inadequacies, and to deftly "pass the buck". In the list of parties responsible, coming directly under the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) government, it is becoming more and more apparent that Tedros himself was directly responsible for causing the global spreading of COVID-19.

In recent days, many netizens passed around a video in which the Thai representative said on WHO's Executive Board meeting that, "WHO advice agsinst travel restrictions on novel coronavirus in China has been violated." This laughable rebuke ironically highlights the key problem. It was the WHO's DG Tedros, slavishly adhering to the will of the CCP, who repeatedly emphasised that "Travel and trade restrictions on (infected) China were not advised", repeatedly parroting the tune of "preventable and controllable", a tune initiated by Chinese officials to cover up the severity of the epidemic, which then resulted in the spread of this horrendous global pandemic.

Since 6th January 2020, at an early stage of the epidemic breakout in Wuhan, Tedros (and others at WHO) started to declare that "special measures for passengers are not recommended", even though the basic characteristics of this new type of coronavirus were – and remain to some degree - largely unknown. Even though the epidemic continued to develop rapidly, in order to cater to the CCP's concerns about the truth of the epidemic hurting its economy, WHO kept delaying declaring it a public health emergency of international concern, despite international pressure and breakouts in numerous countries. Not until the epidemic was self-evidently severe, did WHO declare the epidemic as a "public health emergency of international concern" (PHEIC) on 31st January 2020. The day before, Tedros had flown to Beijing first to kowtow to CCP leader Xi Jinping. Then, after the declaration of PHEIC, Tedros relentlessly emphasised a policy of "not advise travel restrictions on (infected) China."

The CCP then duly took advantage of the statement from Tedros, and blamed those countries that had imposed travel restrictions on China in a timely manner as "violated the WHO's advice." For examples, it bashed Australia and the USA for "inappropriately overreacting", etc. In contrast, it said nothing about North Korea, which was the first country to close their borders long before WHO announced the PHEIC, and commented that Russia's border closing with China was "understandable", a typical "double even triple standard" as the Thai delegate pointed out at the WHO EB meeting.

WHO's Tedros also at that time that there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission outside of China. But as human-to-human transmission had already broken out explosively inside China, had there been any evidence to suggest the virus could recognise the borders and decide to change its behaves accordingly?

Tedros also said "No need to implement travel restrictions, a temperature test at the entry is sufficient." However, as COVID-19 Wuhan novel coronavirus is a virus that has being encountered by mankind for the first time, its characteristics are totally unknown. The less we know about it, the more cautious and strictly we should take precautions in treating it. Now we are learning that there are a significant number of patients who are asymptomatic or only mildly symptomatic after being infected by this virus, exhibiting no fever at all, (and are therefore not detectable insofar as the body temperature test is concerned), but are already contagious. Had all countries adopted the same measure of travel restrictions on China in as timely a fashion as Australia did, requiring all passengers who had been in China in the past fortnight to then be quarantined for 14 days, then in these 14 days, the immune system of those asymptomatic infected people arguably could have weakened the infectious capabilities of the virus, and the situation could now be far better.

The fact is, many countries were misled by WHO's Tedros and his puppetmaster, the CCP. Those countries which followed their advice that there was no need for measures that "unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade", failed to implement necessary border controls against the epidemic, contributed to the run-away "country-to-country" transmission globally of the epidemic. It also rendered measures taken by those countries which imposed travel restrictions, largely ineffective.

For example, in order to circumvent Australian restrictions on passengers who had visited China within the past 14 days, tens of thousands Chinese students flew first to a third country which had not implemented any travel restrictions on China, and stayed there for 14 days before flying again to come to Australia. Some people had even traversed more than half their way around the planet to evade the ban. This allowed the virus to spread to these countries via mild or asymptomatic patients, and then to Australia with infected travellers from these countries. For instance, there are now hundreds of confirmed COVID-19 patients in Australia, and among them a number of imported cases were from Iran. Iran was one of the countries that had also not imposed travel restrictions on China in a timely manner. This seriously weakened the desired effect of Australia's travel restrictions on China.

Italy was also a country which did implement a travel restrictions on China earlier, but the epidemic began occurring on a large scale, and the number of infections growing so rapidly, that also indicated that the control at the border did not work. This is a typical import type of epidemic in Italy, breaking out from multiple places, - a quite different pattern from the single point outbreak at the epidemic's origin, Wuhan in China. Although Italy could control the infections directly imported from China, she was unable to prevent asymptomatic infections imported via other countries that had not imposed travel restrictions on China. This contributed to the multiple points break out of control in Italy. There was also reportedly a concentration of cases in Northern Italy, as Chinese workers apparently returned to Italy after Chinese New Year celebrations elsewhere, as late as 25 January 2020, a month after the first disturbing cases were identified in China in December 2019 (or even November 2019). These CNY celebrations ought to have been banned, given the knowledge held by President Xi Jinping about the true situation. But it was concealed by Xi Jinping, and his collaborator, Tedros. A similar phenomena happened in other hard hit countries, and that is all the fault of WHO's pro-CCP Tedros.

Contrary to elsewhere, Taiwan has done well in prevention-and-control during this pandemic outbreak. At the beginning, Taiwan was expected to be seriously hit, being so close to the mainland China, with cross-strait travelling and trade criss-crossing being so large and frequent. On 31st December 2019, scientists in Taiwan informed WHO about evidences of “human-to-human” transmission, but WHO did not pass this on to other countries. This is because WHO has long excluded Taiwan. Taiwan had no choice then to go it alone. So, without being able to rely on any help from WHO, and without any trust to WHO's proclamations. (And of course, Taiwan also had an understandable scepticism of the CCP's words than other nations and outfits). It was ironically this that made Taiwan immune from being fooled by WHO's Tedros, so in the end she fared better.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is a politician from Ethiopia. He was once the Health Minister of Ethiopia and then the Minister for Foreign Affairs, and thoses experiences gave him the habit of flattering dictators. Soon after Tedros became WHO Director-General with the support of the CCP, he appointed the notorious Zimbabwe dictator Mugabe as a WHO Goodwill Ambassador, and only rescinded the appointment a few days later after facing a widespread global condemnation. The CCP influenced him via money, including giving money to his home-country of Ethiopia, and also via donations to WHO. It may also be worth investigating if there have been any direct financial transactions or other exchange favouring his interests personally. Evidently and most arguably, he has become a puppet of the CCP: speaking for the CCP, touting the CCP, and blinding the world for the CCP's interests.

The root cause of this epidemic outbreak was that the CCP authorities concealed the outbreak from the beginning, and suppressed the freedom of speech and flow of information, therefore, Xi Jinping and the CCP autocracy are the culprits responsible for the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan. (Later on, I will make a separate video to reveal this through further facts). However, we now know that the role of WHO's Tedros helped fuel the situation, and that he is directly responsible for causing this epidemic to be an explosive global pandemic. I therefore appeal on the entire world to launch a campaign to remove Tedros from his WHO DG position and hold him accountable.

This incident is also a serious lesson: For a long time, the CCP has been using money to favourably pave its way, buying many international organisations and their leaders in order to exercise control, including outfits such as the WHO, WTO, WB (the World Bank), UN Human Rights Commission, and so on. In the end, overlooking such malign influence will result in bring disasters to the world - and to humanity itself. It is now the time to correct this contamination. It must be corrected, before it is too late. The people and governments of the world need to open their eyes. They need to stand up! They need to make every effort to resist and fight back against the CCP's dangerous buying-off and controlling contamination of international organisations. These outfits are meant to be independent, working impartially for the good of the globe! Fix the problem now - or suffer even worse consequences in future.


(Thank Kerry and Sophie for helping me to fix the English)