How should United States and Britain resist Xi?
Hoist him with his own petard

Chin Jin


The introduction of China’s National Security Law for Hong Kong is in fact Xi Jinping’s brutal desperation to challenge the civilized world. It is also the result of a serious lack of understanding about the true essence of the CCP in the major Western democracies, which encourages the Chinese authoritarian regime to make mischief similar to the blind appeasement of Chamberlain and Daladier which encouraged Hitler's Nazism. As cowardly as mice, the UK’s responses to Beijing merely boosted Xi Jinping’s wild ambition to take further aggressive moves. The incumbent US Administration’s response to Xi Jinping’s madness was, generally speaking, OK; but effectively restraining Beijing needs improvement as there is still a big gap to fill as Trump lacks a visionary view and is still hesitant about how to defeat the CCP, in spite of the US being powerful enough. The United Kingdom should have responded strongly to Beijing tearing up the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration. The current response from the United Kingdom is extremely weak and worryingly incompetent. It is a definite wrong move for the UK to allow hundreds of thousands of wealthy Hong Kong people to immigrate to the UK. The correct response should at the very least to go back to the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration and reclaim the UK’s sovereignty over HK. Since Beijing unilaterally tore up the agreement and openly violated their political promise to keep Hong Kong unchanged for 50 years, the UK has every reason to warn Beijing of its intention to retake Hong Kong’s sovereignty by withdrawing from the 1984 Joint Declaration. If the Brits are gutsy, they could go further and send troops to protect the Hong Kong people just as they had in 1840, and Thatcher's decisive dispatch to the Faulkner Islands (Malvinas) in 1982. Unfortunately, the incumbent British Prime Minister Boris Johnson does not have even a sliver of this kind of political courage and wisdom. If he had died of the coronavirus from Wuhan, perhaps the British reaction today would have been different.

Among the Five Eyes Alliance countries, Johnson from the UK has been really spineless and ineffective when dealing with aggressive Beijing, has Canada's Trudeau. Australia's Morrison government was commendable in actively withstanding the pressure and bullying by Beijing when responding to the CCP, and Australia showed political courage and firm moral principles. Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand is also doing well in sticking to the position and principles she espouses. The United States leads the world but often fails to demonstrated true leadership. On the whole, Trump’s response to Beijing has been OK, but he lacks political foresight and moral responsibility. In the process of dealing with the evil CCP, he often fails to see the true nature of the problem, and deceives himself.

Giving Beijing a taste of its own medicine, the Trump administration should inform Beijing the United States’ intention to abolish the three communiqués, abandon the self-defeating 'One-China' policy, and promote relations with Taiwan just as they did by adopting dual recognition of both East and West Germany and both North and South Korea, and should do in the near future in dealing with both sides of the Taiwan Straits. Only in this way can Xi Jinping's absurdity and brazenness in violating international norms be effectively foiled, and CCP's aggression be reduced to a pulp.