(To be translated)
The platform of All People Resonance: Session 1 All people take to the streets on May 1, 2018
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. The platform of All People Resonance: Session 2 Sandbox deduction
这一期阐述为什么选择2018年5月1日和各省会城市的火车站或中心广场作为全民共振首次聚集的时间与地点,预测中共可能采取的措施,推演正邪双方功防策略,为抗争团队和群体提出应对方略。希望有识之士在此基础上,结合本地实际情况制定更加详细的行动预案。https://youtu.be/hHJdsoGHerY Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. The platform of All People Resonance: Session 3 The nature and features of the platform, 全民共振平台是受国内民运前辈、维权领袖、著名公知和体制内有识之士委托,由海外民运人士成立的服务平台,不是海外政治组织;主要功能是归纳综合国内人士意见并加以发布,供广大群体抗争组织者参考,并协助各地各阶层抗争行动同步化。兼论习近平独裁体制下,中共官员人人自危的局面,唯有站到人民一边,参与抗争才是出路。https://youtu.be/0qDYgJSL2Nk?t=10 Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
[Reproduced] There will be major events this year: To the streets on May day and all people resonate
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- Written by Site Editor
- Category: Minyun Activities
- Hits: 4500