FDC Letter to Australian Prime Minster
Concerning Dr Liu Xiaobo

Chin Jin
(President of FDC)


On July 10, 2017, the President of Federation for a Democratic China, Chin Jin, wrote to the Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, concerning the situation of jailed 2010 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Dr Liu Xiaobo.

The full text of the letter is:


FDC LetterHead2017

July 10, 2017

Dear Hon. Malcolm Turnbull MP, Prime Minister of Australia,

We are very shocked to learn that Dr. Liu Xiao Bo, jailed Nobel Peace Prize laureate, has suffered advanced liver cancer. This extremely saddens all those who are pursuing China’s democracy and freedom. 

As we all know, Dr. Liu Xiaobo has been advocating China's democratization via "peace, rational, non-violent" method. He was sentenced 11-year jail term for his initiating the famous 2008 Charter and for his work, he became the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize laureate while he was in prison.

The Chinese Communist authorities took the defiant stance to the world and rejected any international political pressure to free this peaceful and rational political dissident. Now the news of Liu Xiaobo's liver cancer immediately raises a strong question: Are the Chinese authorities seeking to achieve the deliberate murder of Dr. Liu Xiao Bo through a covert method?

The Chinese authorities are making excuses to obstruct Dr. Liu Xiao Bo’s travelling abroad to receive medical treatments which have been offered by both the US and Germany. Liu Xiaobo's illness is fatal. However, any delay of effective medical treatment would result in his condition swiftly worsening and shortening his life. 

The Federation For A Democratic China (FDC) hopes that Australia is aware of this situation. The FDC would implore the Australian Government to uphold high the values ​​of democracy and freedom and to join with other western democracies to make representations on Dr. Liu Xiao Bo and to condemn this cruelty and insidiousness by the Chinese Communist authorities.

The FDC believes that, in the past two decades, the West has been so wrong in coping with Communist China, wishfully given up their own values ​​and principles to meet the demands of the Chinese Communist Party. All this does is to help to consolidate the Chinese Communist regime and incur the formidable challenges in the future as this becomes a much more powerful authoritarian regime.

The FDC hopes that it is the time that the West would face the fact of cruelty and insidiousness of the Chinese authorities as demonstrated by the murderous acts against Dr. Liu Xiaobo. We hope that the western powers will make changes to the erroneous policy of pleasing the Chinese Communist Party for short term economic gains. The West’s right way to treat the evil Chinese Communist regime would not only save the helpless Chinese people, but also promote the advance of the whole world.

Yours sincerely

