(To be translated)


FDC Chairman Chin Jin wrote to Australian PM regarding CCP's intervention



chinjin turnbull



Dear Prime Minister,

I was so amused to hear you defending the principles and values of Australia by mocking well-known Chinese pronunciation that Australian has stood up. I believe that your response to the angry remarks of spokesman of Beijing could serve to kill two birds with one stone: protection of Australian values and principles for the national dignity, forcing the resignation of embattled Sam Dastyari which consolidates a much better chance to win for the Bennelong by-election tomorrow.

But the issue of infiltration and manipulation of Beijing against Australia and the West which is the dagger pointing to the democratic system had been long existing while the West had been turning a deaf ear to it.

Heated debates within the communities of Chinese-born Australian have been on and on for years that whom we should be loyal to, Beijing or Canberra. Major Chinese language media (newspapers, radio, and TV) would like to interview those who are in Beijing’s favor to amplify the voice. A new internet media, the Voice of Australia, came out only a few months ago to defend the Australian values of democracy and freedom. I was invited to give my talk on your response to Beijing.

Australia has dropped guard against the infiltration of Beijing for too long. But I am happy to see the signs of changing the political attitude of Canberra to Beijing. It is too little and too late, but it is much better than none. I hope your government to continue this political stance towards Beijing’s covert and malicious expansion.

The enclosed is my opinion in 2003, which was almost completely ignored at the time but is still closely relevant to the situation now.

I sincerely wish the by-election in Bennelong tomorrow another victory to the Coalition.

I wish you and your family a great holiday season of Christmas and New Year.

Chin Jin
Chair of the Federation for a Democratic China




Freedom of Speech For Chinese Speaking Australian Is Jeopardised

Another serious issue is worth of mentioning here. Australia is a free democratic country but unfortunately the freedom and democracy of Australia is actually abused or misused. Since 1986, it started a big wave of Chinese nationals immigrating to Australia and about 40000 obtained their permanent residency and later citizenship because of the Tiananmen Square Massacre in 1989. It was understandable the then Labour Government granted them to stay in Australia on a permanent basis in considering the appalling human rights condition in China, so as to save their fears of being persecuted on their returning back.
Now many those who claimed to be fear of returning back are warmly embracing the evil Chinese regime. Former Chinese nationals, now permanent residents or Australian citizens, receiving information through Chinese language media are in a risk of being brainwashed under an invisible, formative influence.

Major newspapers in Chinese language circulated in Australia are heavily influenced, controlled or even manipulated by the Chinese government through its Embassy or Consulates. Chinese government obtained its control through his agents, who have close commercial or political ties with or being benefited, injecting capitals to hold dominance.

Only Australian Chinese Herald, run by a Taiwanese, tried hard to keep balance to issue some anti-totalitarian articles while not offending the Chinese authorities too much. The Epoch Times is independent without Chinese government influence. Under the fierce propaganda of the Chinese government through Chinese media, papers mentioned above, in Australia, naturalised Australians, former Chinese nationals, are bewildering their correct nation recognition. They know more Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao than John Howard. Their feelings incline more to Chinese government than to this free and democratic Australia while they are enjoying the freedom and democracy and unbeatable life quality. It is a tactics of “frog being cooked by gradual warming up”.

In short, these Chinese-speaking naturalized Australian are enjoying the freedom and democracy, but the freedom of speech they should also enjoy is undermined because of the media manipulation on the part of the Chinese agents. This is a problem our government should look at and address.

December 2003

Effectiveness of Australia-China Human Rights Dialog

So-called Australia-China human rights dialog is actually ineffective or powerless in persuading the Chinese government to follow well-accepted international standard. Also this shows what Australian government thought the job they have done to help the Chinese government establishing a rule-of-law legal system is actually a euphoric claim.

The ongoing Australia China human rights dialog is by nature serving the aims of both governments behind the word of “Australia-China Human Rights Dialog”. Both governments have no genuine intention of the improvement of human rights condition in China. Looking back the past decade, multi-round “friendly, constructive and non-confrontational dialogs”, is there any progress? Not at all, crackdown of political opponents and religious people became all the more sever and harsh: mafia’s kidnapping of Dr Wang Bingzhang in Vietnam-China border, detention of Dr Yang Jianli, more than 800 deaths of Falungong practitioners, a long list can be displayed.

It is true that the Chinese government is deceiving the international community, but Australian government is not necessarily deceived. They are both aware of their doings, for Chinese government, to keep holding the regime and be accepted by the Western democratic countries; for Australian government, national interests, i.e. trade and winning greater market access, are placed on the high priority regardless of embracing angel or devil.

A recently occurred case of brutal violation of human rights is detaining and sentencing a group of internet writers who posted their articles on internet to express political opinions calling for political reform and making a new Constitution, which were in fact mentioned publicly by the Chinese President Hu Jintao. It clearly showed zero tolerance to free speeches on the part of the Chinese government, let alone the political opposition. It also showed hypocrisy and untruthfulness of any commitment they may have ever made either to its people or to the international community.

The core element of substantial improvement or achievement of international accepted human rights norms is the overall change of the nature of political regime. In China, without real transition from an autocracy to democracy, a substantial improvement of human rights condition is impossible. To achieve a continuous progress of human rights condition, government’s policy with a long run and historical insight should be employed, that is to help China moving from current autocracy to democracy.

December 2003