FDC written to Australian Government
Concerned on CCP's new wave of religious persecution


Given speach at Sydney Institute. From the left: Gerard Henderson, Wang Yi, Yu Jie, Anne Henderson, Chin Jin

Met Senator Bob Brown, the Green leader


21 December 2018

Dear Hon. Scott Morrison MP, Prime Minister of Australia,

Re: Pastor Wang Yi and Early Rain Covenant Church in Sichuan China

I am writing on behalf of the Federation for a Democratic China (FDC) to refer to the above-mentioned case, a recent surge of police action against unsanctioned Christian activity in China.

The FDC would like to bring this matter into your attention.

China's pre-Christmas Church crackdown alarmed the world, according to reliable sources and reports, Chinese police are raiding churches and arresting pastors that don’t tow the Communist Party line as Christmas approaches, detaining nearly 100 in a wave of pre-Christmas crackdowns, Pastor Wang Yi and his wife are among them.

Mr. Wang Yi (born June 1973) is the pastor of the Early Rain Covenant Church, a Chinese house church in Chengdu. He is also a productive writer, editor, and social activist, and was a legal scholar at Chengdu University before he resigned to take up the pastorate.

Wang Yi visited Australia in early 2006 as the Secretary General for the Independent Chinese PEN, assisting then President of PEN, Dr. Liu Xiaobo, 2010 Nobel Peace Prize laureate. He also in the same year 2006 received warm reception of the US President George W. Bush in White House.

The FDC are filled with anger and disgust at the persecution of unsanctioned churches and arrest of pastors by the Xi Jinping Beijing Government. The FDC would like to implore your government to make representation on behalf of Pastor Wang Yi and others detained, condemning Xi Jinping and his government for their inhuman activities and demanding their immediate release. A firm voice from Australia and all West democracies around the world could serve to a halt of what Beijing is doing.

Your action on this matter is eagerly expected.

King regards,

Chin Jin
Chairman of the Federation for a Democratic China


See also:Wang Yi etc. visited Australia in early 2006 (With photos)https://news.boxun.com/news/gb/china/2006/02/200602241550.shtml