FDC Chairman Chin Jin wrote to Australian PM:
Strategy of Australia to offset political retaliation of Beijing


Hon Scott Morrison MP, Prime Minister of Australia
Suite 102, Level 1
30 The Kingsway
Cronulla, NSW, 2230

13 May 2020


Dear Hon Scott Morrison MP, Prime Minister of Australia,

Re: Strategy of Australia to offset political retaliation of Beijing

Australia raised an independent inquiry into the origin of the Wuhan virus and world pandemic. This is a public health issue and the government of China is obliged to come clean and give a reasonable explanation for this global disaster.  Instead, the Chinese government responded angrily to Australia’s request with political retaliation, by imposing high tariffs on Australia goods being exported to China. It is really bizarre. However it is not the time for Australia to buckle or show weakness to Beijing on this matter. And a war of words will not help Australia to win this round of the crossfire with Beijing. Australia should make good use of its own political wisdom and guts to get out of this tricky swamp. To triumph over Beijing, the best way is “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” and defeat the Beijing rogue's political act through political means, ie “Give him a taste of his own medicine”. The CCP is most afraid of being attacked in their soft underbelly. By firmly taking the power, and stepping into a new more mature global voice, Australia can subdue Beijing's frenzied measures at will.

Australia is a regional middle power and can gain its political leverage to offset China's trade retaliation by openly paying a little bit more attention to Taiwan, in accordance with the Chinese political stratagem “When it is dark in the east, it is light in the west”. This unusual move would pressure Beijing to rethink its political retaliation against Australia. If Australia sends a senior minister to attend the inauguration ceremony of President Tsai Ing-wen on May 20, 2020, which is only a week away, Beijing will be startled, and react to this unexpected move by Australia even more cautiously, and seriously consider the consequences of its random retaliation against foreign powers. Beijing's usual tactic towards Australia is typically “Shooting the bird which takes the lead” for the same effect as "Killing a chicken to scare the monkeys". If Australia refuses to bow to cave under Beijing’s pressure, Beijing will soon get into the dire situation of facing more challenges from other nations and states suffering from the Wuhan coronavirus. If Beijing continues to escalate the tension with Australia and Australia remains unchanged and unswerving, Beijing will only incur alienation from, and the hostility of the international community. This will trigger the domino effect of the eventual downfall of the CCP regime.

Is it good or bad for world peace, stability and development to have a China without the CCP? The answer to this is self-evident. Now the question facing us is whether Australian political leaders have the vision and determination. Despite of the regional middle power, Australia can lead the world in bettering the world order and pattern because of this unusual and bold move. If Beijing carefully rethinks its bullying move of retaliation because of Australia's firm determination and footing, Beijing will quietly revoke its bluffing remarks and crazy action of suspension of imports from Australia. Now it is the option of Australia to stand up or respond otherwise.

The undersigned writer is very keen to see Australia bravely turn this political crisis into a new historical opportunity for Australia and the whole world.

Yours sincerely

Chin Jin
President of the Federation for a Democratic China
Candidate for Doctor of Social Sciences at the University of Sydney