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[A project outline of the FDC Strategy Research Group]

Promoting "Road map of democratic revolution from friends circles"


China has inevitably come close to the outbreak of the democratic revolution, which has become more and more civil society at home and abroad consensus. In the Dharma internal, it is since October 2012, will take the initiative to participate in and promote rather than passively waiting for the tide of democratic revolution, as their own strategy and work direction. Although during which suffered extremely dangerous obstruction, but after March this year, the opening of the 13th Congress election, with the opportunity to get rid of attacks and entanglement, create a new situation, the situation can be re-strength, focus on the full Into the democratic revolution in mainland China.

China's democratic revolution, there can be a lot of strength and the participation of many groups and groups, using a variety of means to implement a different road map to the road through the Roman way of cooperation, parallel to the road to achieve.

In this way, we will be in the past four years many of our many people together to promote the participation of a number of democratic revolutionary projects in one, "friends circle democratic revolution road map" in the form of a written document to be publicly promoted and promoted The

The reason why it is possible and necessary to be open in the form of text, first of all because the road map has been advocated by the way more and more people at home and abroad more and more common understanding of colleagues, is no longer a secret; secondly because this way needs Many of the civil forces of many groups spontaneously participate, only to be public, can play a broader, more fully and more comprehensive effect; the third is the road map advocated non-organization, to the center, nationalization and dynamic, Making confidentiality no longer necessary.

In addition, the democratic revolution is a project that requires a certain degree of careful planning and a large number of supporting work. It is now openly written in written form, and it is necessary for a wide range of people to participate in the gathering, brainstorming, refinement and refinement.

Friends of the circle of democratic revolution road map

"Friends of the circle of democratic revolution road map," the purpose is to spread in mainland China every day in various places, the demands of different large and small rights and interests of the event of synchronization, resonance, so that together into the streets of the whole people can not be blocked Of the torrent, so that the authorities to stabilize the suppression of machine dispersion failure, thus forming a democratic revolution in the outbreak of a comprehensive tide. At the same time, for the democratic revolution tide immediately after the outbreak, the rapid stability of the situation, polymerization consensus, contributed to constitutional government, put forward plans.

The first step: friends circle

1. Each circle of friends is a small number of people, like-minded, have a certain access mechanism but not a formal organization of small circles.

2. Friends circle form can be flexible and diverse. A friend group can be a circle of friends; can be a circle of friends, a group of friends can be a circle of friends; A circle of friends Of course, we strongly recommend that, for the formation of friends by the micro-credit circle, once formed, immediately move away from the subject of tightly controlled by the transparent WeChat, to the server in the overseas relatively safe platform, such as WhatsApp, Line, Telegram , Viber, kik, and so on, in those platforms to build the group, can also be a circle of friends.

3. Friends circle includes but not limited to "citizen city circle". Such as "re-withdrawal of the military crowd", "demolitions of the victims group", "visiting groups", "environmental groups", "pay talks", "for Xu Chunhe Gong Gong Gong", ... ..., can develop friends circle.

4. Each circle of friends can be reorganized at any time. For example, when faced with some reason can not cooperate, you can use another new group, cold old group way, quietly to be isolated.

Step 2: Circle the network

1. Every member of the circle of friends can each have one or more other circle of friends. Such a member, called "node".

2. Between different circle of friends, as a whole, do not know each other. But through the "node", different friends between the circle of information to spread.

3. Numerous friends circle through their "nodes" connected to each other to form a complex national network. Called "circle of friends" or "small circle network."

4. Each small circle can be self-contained, independent operation, appeal, style, mode of action can be different. But with the appropriate time and the entire network of all other circle of friends together, while starting as the goal.

5. The whole "circle of friends network" looks like loose, no center, so any one of the small circle of damage are not spread to the whole.

6. In order to ensure the devastating nature of the entire "road map" operation, there is a need for at least one or more engine of friends to be composed entirely of overseas people.

The third step: ground gas

1. consciously develop a circle of friends in specific groups of people, for example, groups of demobilized soldiers, demolished groups, groups of immigrants, hawkers, environmental groups, pay talks groups, attention to booing groups, etc. ;

2. Develop and promote "resonance" awareness in the circle of friends of these specific groups, and prepare for the timing of the right time.

3. This step is the most need for everyone to now sink separately, began to do a solid job.

Step 4: Timing

1. Pre-selection of a specific date (such as "legal day", "international human rights day", "a party party day", "a military uprising day", etc.) as a starting goal to promote, just as " Fish, August 15 kill the duck "General, publicity" as long as this day on the street, most likely to solve the appeal. "

2. If an incident occurs before the scheduled date, timely use of emergencies to start early.

3. If there is another incident in Wukan, it should be publicized that "the best support for Wukan is to ask the streets to settle their demands, to disperse the authorities to suppress the resources and to put enough pressure to force the authorities to solve your Appeal ".

4. If the recurrence of soldiers back to the streets and even the police on the streets of the rights of such incidents, should be "no matter how you look at the retired soldiers or the police, now you are also the best time to appeal to the streets because of this When you can not easily suppress, will only try to resolve the contradictions .This opportunity is rare, now not on the street, even when!

5. Every self-conscious citizen, every flat people, even if their role is only a trace, but the accumulation of micro-everyone together, you can sink dripping as a torrent, a great power, is enough to change the fate of society, End their own suffering. There is injustice, even if they can not pull the knife to help, but at least you can take to the street. As long as everyone took to the streets, there is a chance to change. Everyone goes to the streets, more effective than signatures.

6. Even if there is no proper timing or unexpected events, you can try to create the opportunity. Any activity or holiday that leads the crowd to the streets is a potential opportunity. Such as large-scale recreational activities, mass-up ceremony, flower market, bank run, and even similar to the official organization of the official organization of the assembly, and so on, as long as there are people in the streets, are possible time.

7. If every day, every place, every thing can be a potential opportunity, the authorities will be preventable.

Step 5: Start

1. On the basis of the third and fourth steps, once the appropriate time comes, on the one hand the engine circle timely mobilization information, through the "circle of friends" spread;

2. On the other hand each grounding gas circle according to the network information or according to the spontaneous judgment of the incident, timely mobilization of the corresponding groups in time to send their own demands.

3. If it is to start the date of the agreement, the first should be through a circle of friends in advance to send a certain time in advance to start the message, as "July 15 to send fish, August 15 to kill the duck" in general.

4. If the incident is to start, the first should be through the circle of friends to fully disseminate the news of the incident itself, to be the basic public information has become a public case, the timely send start information. At this point, the start of the information issued, one is fast, the second is to be wide, not limited to existing friends circle network, but the rapid use of all means of communication at hand to send. For example, can be sent to all types of micro-groups at hand, and so on. In short, before the time of the reaction of the authorities in the past, do all means to mass mass.

5. Make full use of the prepared alternative means of communication, to deal with the authorities may implement the disconnection or even power failure measures.

6. Improper measures such as disconnection, power outages and other authorities may prompt more people to go to the streets and should make good use of them.

7. Once there are two or three at the same time the authorities failed to control the group events, it is bound to have a chain reaction, spread the country.

Step 6: Revolution

1. In every specific place, once the authorities are out of control of the group's events, Democrats should stand in time to move the event into a revolution.

2. timely guide the crowd surrounded by even the occupation of the primary government departments, radio, television stations, blocking traffic arteries, blocking and even occupation of military police camp, and so on.

3. to persuade the military and police, officials defection, meritorious service atonement.

Step 7: Stabilize the situation

1. In the case of the overall situation of the revolution, democrats should openly stand out (and, for the sake of safety, it is recommended that the echelon be open) and proceed to the local situation.

2. In the case of necessity, it is possible to cooperate with the old officials or military and police chiefs of the local defection under the premise of a democratic patriarch to stabilize the situation and to resist the military police who have come to repress.

3. At the same time have enough vigilance and precautionary measures to prevent the local into a small warlord dictatorship situation.

Step 8: National Integration and Constitutionalism

1. Local factions have temporarily put down their differences, gathered together in the common points of democratic constitutional government, organized transitional care of the government, held a constitutional meeting, organized the election as soon as possible.

2. The differences between the various factions are left behind in the party politics of the constitutional process.

3. The differences that need to be wary and meet as soon as possible include: the dispute between the presidential system and the cabinet system, the dispute between the unification and the federal system, the struggle between the constitutional and the republic to the Republic, the return of the mainland to the Republic of China, and so on. Whether it can be resolved as soon as possible and properly resolve such differences, may become the decision of the new democratic China as soon as possible to establish a firm foothold, the establishment of constitutional system, out of the past century cycle cycle key.


Strategy Research Group of the Federation for a Democratic China
Written down by Xiaogang Zhang
May 2017