No human right in China on Human Rights Day

Chin Jin

Human Rights Day is celebrated annually across the world on 10 December every year while the most populous China has no human rights.

Human rights are based on political power. Where human rights exist, all are countries with democratic systems. Countries without human rights are all dictatorial and authoritarian countries.

The improvement of human rights in China depends on the change of political system. Without the complete termination of the CCP's authoritarian regime, it is a nonsense and self-deception to indulge in improving human rights in China. Australia took the lead in starting a human rights dialogue with the Chinese government since 1992 and other West democracies followed suit, It has been a quarter of a century since then to achieve fruitless results. It has long been clear that this is hypocrisy of the West democracies because the West had never required the CCP to carry out political transformation and change. To upholding basic human rights is backed and guaranteed by a democratically elected government. China is an autocracy and there is no hope and sign that the Chinese authoritarian government will improve human rights. Any wishful thinking of improvement of human rights in China under the current regime is absurd.

Many years ago we emphasized that the fundamental issue for China is political, the change of the Chinese Communist regime, not the issue of human rights. Without pushing the change of China's autocratic system, appealing to the Chinese government to improve human rights is simply a matter of blindfolding. Western non-governmental organizations have for a long time called for the Chinese government to improve human rights. In essence, it is doing very little useful work. Western governments may occasionally mention China’s human rights violations during their dealing with the Chinese government, but then immediately chuck them under the carpet for the trade and short term interests. The fundamental aim is to greed the Chinese government for money grabbed from its own people and have a share with the Chinese government. There is a very vivid painting with the words: "The West is more willing to see an autocratic pot boiling Chinese people's flesh and blood, because they have been sharing the broth in the pot." This is the West headed by the United States.

Many years ago, Dr. Wang Bingzhang, founder of overseas Chinese democracy movement, once said to me: It seems that the United States does not want China to achieve democracy. He saw the hypocrisy of the West. It is speculated that the United States did not exert diplomatic pressure on the CCP in releasing Wang Bingzhang and Peng Ming who were both kidnapped or trapped by the mafia style tricks of the Chinese government. At least there were no visible acts of the West to do any work for the release of them. The West remains silence to the brutal atrocities the CCP always commits. When Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo, was forced to suffer the fatal illness, no West leaders were seen to make public representations to the CCP government on behalf of Liu.

The Chinese democracy campaigners are really in the midst of hardships confront the CCP's tyranny while hypocritical leaders of Western powers look on indifferently without due assistance and on the other, are the massive Chinese people of numbness. The ugly brutality that Beijing recently drove the low-end population out of major cities in China, hundreds of thousands or millions of people were driven off like lambs being driven by wolves and tigers received little opposition. People with guts and courage to resist the brutality of the government are very few.

We are saddened by China's lack of human rights and frustrated by the reality of an indifferent world: the hypocrisy of the Western powers and the numbness of the Chinese people. Perhaps it is God's will to allow the CCP's ravage, God is almighty, to give the Satan free hand to do evil. The world is balanced with the co-existence of wickedness of Satan and the goodness of Angel.

We should abandon illusions and needless expectations. Only by working hard to demolish the high walls of the CCP's autocracy and pushing China to a throughout political change to sweep the evil CCP into the historical rubbish heap, will it be possible to establish a democracy like the West to have truly and once in all the improvement of human rights condition.

10th December 2017

(The author is the Chairman of the Federation for a Democratic China)