China's Democratisation ---
Hong Kong is triggering political change in China

Chin Jin


China used to be a fresh-fledged, short-lived democracy far from perfection between 1912 and 1928.

The Revolution of 1911 overthrew the last imperial dynasty, which had been a system continuing for two thousand years in China, and this revolution established the Republic of China run mainly by warlords who controlled different regions.

The Chinese Communist Party won the Chinese Civil War immediately after WWII, with the full support of the Soviet Union and also unintentional assistance from the Truman administration in 1949 to set up the People’s Republic of China, a totalitarian system where people would enjoy no freedom in any way.

The modern Chinese democracy movement emerged after the death of Mao Zedong, and the advent of the Xidan Democracy Wall in November 1978 was accompanied by growing political pluralism and infighting of political power within the top leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, which offered the political opportunity for grass-roots people to express their grievances and demand freedom.

This was the inception of the modern Chinese democracy movement.

With the ascendance of Deng Xiaoping to power, he outlawed the Xidan Democracy Wall Movement and therefore quelled the first wave of democracy in China.

Deng Xiaoping was aided by his two liberal-minded Party chiefs Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang, China enjoyed a decade long relaxed political period between 1979 and 1989.

This offered Chinese people the opportunity to think considerably freely to learn about the western ideologies of democracy and freedom.

The outbreaks of two pro-democracy movements in 1986 and 1989 were really the results of this 10-year political relaxation.

Deng Xiaoping and the hardliners then ordered a military crackdown on the Tiananmen Square democracy protests, which killed the democratic advancement that had flourished in China, and resulted in China retrogressing politically back to nil.

Chinese lost the political opportunity during 1989 Tiananmen Square Protests.

The US President George Bush’s choice could have decided who would win and who would lose in 1989, but unfortunately he chose to throw his support behind Deng Xiaoping.

Fleeing Tiananmen Square massacre exiles, set up the Federation for a Democratic China (FDC) in Paris, France in late September, 1989, vowing to end the one-party rule of the CCP in China as their ultimate political goal.

The sad thing was that George Bush refused to offer support to Chinese democracy movement with a wishful thinking that economic growth of China would lead to its political liberalization, West democracies followed suit.  

The Chinese democracy movement was then off the sideline and ignored. That became the external factor of the continuous downturn of the modern Chinese democracy movement.

The continuous downturn of the modern Chinese democracy movement had also its internal factors, resources and leadership.

1.      There were no resources to maintain this movement to keep prosperous and moving forward.

2.      The unsurpassable problem is that the movement’s leaders are short of political charisma and leadership to attract masses to follow.

It is most crucial that the advent of political changes must exist for China to achieve democracy, for which the following conditions must be met:

First, the ruling Chinese Communist Party’s top leaders must have the sense of political consciousness and historical mission to actively initiate top-down political reforms to promote open political elections.

On the contrary, they are hoping to remold the whole world to the Chinese Communist Party’s authoritarian political model.

Secondly, the ordinary people must have the awareness to demand political change. The reality is that the majority of Chinese people display a weak voice or no voice and indifference to political reform.

The third factor that could push change in China's current political system is the Western democracies who so far have committed the strategic error to believe that the rapid economic development would assist China in moving toward political liberalization.

In the past three decades, the entire West has had little interest in pushing the CCP for political change.

The question is: Who wants China to democratize? Who does not want China to democratize? And who does not care about China to democratize?

It is only a minority of forward-thinking Chinese elites who expect democracy for China, not the general public. Most Chinese people do not even know what democracy is.

China’s current rulers obviously do not want China to be a democracy, which is not in their interest, as it would greatly damage their vested interests.

The US led West democracies behaved not care whether China is democracy or not.

Dr. Wang Bingzhang, founder of the overseas Chinese democracy movement once pointed out that the Western democracies, especially the US, did not care about China's democracy and did not even want China to democratize.

He speculated that once China has achieved democracy, China will emerge from the political yoke and will have a huge inexhaustible strength to leap into the position of the world's new superpower, to compete against the existing dominant superpower.

It cannot be ignored that the whole world, especially the United States leading the world, badly lacks a clear and correct understanding of true China, the evil of the Chinese Communist regime and its looming danger to the future of the world.

Since World War II onwards over seven decades, the United States has been basically wrong in its dealings with the Chinese Communist Party while other West democracies blindly follow suit.

The emergence of Trump was exciting for the Chinese pro-democracy activist circles as it was seen as a political opportunity.

Of all US Presidents, he poses the greatest deterrent and threat to the Chinese Communist Party since 1945.

It is likely that the US-China Trade War will expand and transfer to other domains.

The Hudson Institute speech of Vice President Pence heralded the tangible reversal of the 40-year US China policy and it may further change the US-China relationship toward a new cold war.

If the current US Administration keeps up this work and direction targeting the evil Beijing, the stronghold of totalitarianism will be destroyed and wiped out.

It can be foreseen and predicted, in the post-communist era, a united and constitutional democracy in China would be highly unlikely, instead, a falling apart of China would be more realistic.

What, in the future, China will be alike has three possible scenarios:

Scenario 1. The CCP will insist on continuing its rule.

Scenario 2. The Chinese Communist Party may be forced to do structural changes because of increasing ruling difficulties, which would trigger the downfall of the regime. But Xi Jinping has explicitly ruled this out.

Scenario 3. A blundering CCP collapses overnight like what happened to the former Soviet Union under heavy blows of externally full-out attacks and domestic unrest, I would speculate that this third scenario is the most likely.

Hong Kong is triggering this process.

The continuing protests in Hong Kong may incite political changes in China, which really worries Beijing.

Beijing’s concession over the aspiration of Hong Kong people would mean the first domino of the Beijing regime’s downfall, Beijing is on a battle for life or death.

The attitude and stance of major democracies is now obviously wait-and-see.

If Beijing had to suppress the Hong Kong protesters by whatever kind of force to stop the protests violently, the Western democracies would unanimously condemn and isolate Beijing.

Beijing would be further cornered to go bankrupt.

In 1923, the British Government proposed an "international condominium of China".

In 1924, a Chinese political prophet prophesied that the Republic of China would be destroyed by Communism, and Condominium would be the solution to the collapse of communist China.

His first prophesy came true in 1949 when the communist Chinese won the Chinese civil war to establish the People’s Republic of China. Will his second prophesy be fulfilled? It is perceivable that China is now moving in this direction.

To sum up, in the post CCP era evolving in this upheaval scenario, the chance would be very slim for China to rebuild a united and constitutional democracy with all ethnic minorities remaining inside its boundaries as before.

Democracy will arrive in China only when the Chinese Communist Party is no more but China will then be splitting apart into ethnic regions.

That would be the tough and harsh reality the Chinese people will face. Therefore the Chinese people should hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

It will be witnessed that the century long dream of Chinese will be realized, and the whole world will see this spectacular, a peaceful and advanced new world emerges when the CCP is no more.

(To be translated)

Discuss with Mr. Li Weidong
















Chin Jin
30th October 2019

(To be translated)


Guo Wengui's Leaking and China 's Democratic Revolution

Xiaogang Zhang





























No human right in China on Human Rights Day

Chin Jin

Human Rights Day is celebrated annually across the world on 10 December every year while the most populous China has no human rights.

Human rights are based on political power. Where human rights exist, all are countries with democratic systems. Countries without human rights are all dictatorial and authoritarian countries.

The improvement of human rights in China depends on the change of political system. Without the complete termination of the CCP's authoritarian regime, it is a nonsense and self-deception to indulge in improving human rights in China. Australia took the lead in starting a human rights dialogue with the Chinese government since 1992 and other West democracies followed suit, It has been a quarter of a century since then to achieve fruitless results. It has long been clear that this is hypocrisy of the West democracies because the West had never required the CCP to carry out political transformation and change. To upholding basic human rights is backed and guaranteed by a democratically elected government. China is an autocracy and there is no hope and sign that the Chinese authoritarian government will improve human rights. Any wishful thinking of improvement of human rights in China under the current regime is absurd.

Many years ago we emphasized that the fundamental issue for China is political, the change of the Chinese Communist regime, not the issue of human rights. Without pushing the change of China's autocratic system, appealing to the Chinese government to improve human rights is simply a matter of blindfolding. Western non-governmental organizations have for a long time called for the Chinese government to improve human rights. In essence, it is doing very little useful work. Western governments may occasionally mention China’s human rights violations during their dealing with the Chinese government, but then immediately chuck them under the carpet for the trade and short term interests. The fundamental aim is to greed the Chinese government for money grabbed from its own people and have a share with the Chinese government. There is a very vivid painting with the words: "The West is more willing to see an autocratic pot boiling Chinese people's flesh and blood, because they have been sharing the broth in the pot." This is the West headed by the United States.

Many years ago, Dr. Wang Bingzhang, founder of overseas Chinese democracy movement, once said to me: It seems that the United States does not want China to achieve democracy. He saw the hypocrisy of the West. It is speculated that the United States did not exert diplomatic pressure on the CCP in releasing Wang Bingzhang and Peng Ming who were both kidnapped or trapped by the mafia style tricks of the Chinese government. At least there were no visible acts of the West to do any work for the release of them. The West remains silence to the brutal atrocities the CCP always commits. When Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo, was forced to suffer the fatal illness, no West leaders were seen to make public representations to the CCP government on behalf of Liu.

The Chinese democracy campaigners are really in the midst of hardships confront the CCP's tyranny while hypocritical leaders of Western powers look on indifferently without due assistance and on the other, are the massive Chinese people of numbness. The ugly brutality that Beijing recently drove the low-end population out of major cities in China, hundreds of thousands or millions of people were driven off like lambs being driven by wolves and tigers received little opposition. People with guts and courage to resist the brutality of the government are very few.

We are saddened by China's lack of human rights and frustrated by the reality of an indifferent world: the hypocrisy of the Western powers and the numbness of the Chinese people. Perhaps it is God's will to allow the CCP's ravage, God is almighty, to give the Satan free hand to do evil. The world is balanced with the co-existence of wickedness of Satan and the goodness of Angel.

We should abandon illusions and needless expectations. Only by working hard to demolish the high walls of the CCP's autocracy and pushing China to a throughout political change to sweep the evil CCP into the historical rubbish heap, will it be possible to establish a democracy like the West to have truly and once in all the improvement of human rights condition.

10th December 2017

(The author is the Chairman of the Federation for a Democratic China)

(To be translated)


Multi-aspect misleading ......The art of luring the enemy



  最近看到一本書的名字叫《兵以詐立》,說孫子兵法講來講去,實際上是講"兵以詐立"。這是個現代人寫的書名。但是,一千几百年以前的唐太宗皇帝也講過相類似的話:"朕觀千章万句,不出“多方以誤之”、一句而已。(語出《唐李問對‧卷下》)。可以想見,在軍事斗爭中"詐"(現代叫做"誘敵")占有中心地位。難怪美軍專有一門課專門講"Military Deception"(軍事誘敵)。




























  美軍的誘敵之術:寫在Joint Publication 3-13.4里面,密密麻麻寫了十九頁,把古往今來的誘敵之法,之經驗、教訓、藝術、方法等等換成軍事科學術語。每個字的后面,內容無窮。現擇几處要緊簡單勾划。首先,誘敵之目的是要通過作為或不行為,通過各种手段誘使敵方作出錯誤判斷(即搞不清我方的石頭在哪里,雞蛋在哪里,甚至明白摸著了石頭,看到了雞蛋也起疑惑,不相信,太妙了)。誘軍之術有六項原則必須遵守。



  唐太宗說,千章万句不出一句,多方以誤之。現代有了原子彈、導彈攔截,有了電子技術,無人偵察机這些武器通訊大大革新了戰爭的面貌,以致我們不得不怀疑過去的那些誘敵之術還管用嗎?坦白地說,99.99%都不管用了。這就是學軍事讀兵法的難處。學了不管用,但不學,也不行。筆者也苦苦掙扎了多年。讀那么多的兵書,又不管用,不是浪費人生嗎?所以多年來只是想讀又不全心全意地讀,畢竟人生還有其他它的書要讀,直到最近几年我從美軍參謀學院畢業(Command and General Staff College),不得不讀軍事的書籍才用心學了點。又直到有一次讀到中國人明末揭喧的《兵經百言》中這几句話才明白。學古人的兵法(現代人的軍事科學和藝術)并不是立刻就能統兵打仗(現代的打仗和曹操諸葛亮時代完全不一樣了,甚至和二戰、越戰都不一樣了),但是不讀兵法就更不行。為什么呢?因為大家都認同孫子的思想,“兵者,國之大事,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也。”

